Techno Music Production


I’m just a guy sharing as much as I can to help you make the music you love

Now let’s not beat around the hairy bush and get straight to the point, music production is as hard as a ladies battle ships rivets on a winters frosty day. It hurts, it gets emotional, and it SUCKS! For the best part of your first 3 to 5 years you will shed many tears, down many beers and eat so much comfort food, you’ll be using a foot stool to put on your shoes before you’ve even finished your first track. I’m not talking about any finished track! I’m talking about the day you go back and listen to what you’ve finished, and it hit’s that very special happy place all of your favorite tracks hit. This truly is a magical exhilarating moment every producer has the pleasure and glory of experiencing….BUT haha, there’s more than a fare few tremendously treacherous shit storms to traverse before you finally get to your first musical master piece.

One thing I would of given my left testicle for when starting out on my music production journey 15 years ago, is start to finish courses of how tracks I loved were made. So, this is exactly what I’m doing but with a little extra twist. Not only am I giving you all the techniques used from start to finish, I also give you exercises at each stage of the music production process to complete and have fun with. The intention of this is to completely take all the pressure off you, which consequently allows you to get into your happy place, not give a **** and create with the intention of just DOING and having FUN (which is incredibly important to prevent you from overindulging in pizza and beers with tears). This is probably the best advice I could of ever given myself in the early stages of my music production emotional rollercoaster haha

Music making is supposed to be fun. I’ve designed these courses to get you doing things straight away with TECHNIQUES. You don’t have to make a masterpiece that rocks, you just need to execute and explore the techniques and MOVE FORWARD!

This way you will be subconsciously building your inner music production skills and also which is undeniably imperative, having fun. If you are anything like me when I started out, the only thing I could create by myself was a big steamy emotional mess haha. So, I’ve created these with the intention of helping similar souls. I give you tasks to do and you execute whilst exploring them and having fun. You create a track of your own similar to mine in the same style, kind of like a remix so to speak. This way you will have been through the whole methodical process of ‘IDEA GENERATION’, ‘EXPLORATION’, ‘DECISION MAKING’ and the ‘EXECUTION’ of finishing a track. This PRACTICE IS what will get you better at producing music you love. You will have something to listen to for 6 minutes that might blow the roof off or potentially make you cry haha Don’t worry, it’s a process of growth most efficiently established and propelled by the process itself. We all go through it so crack on! NEXT!

In all seriousness (which by now I know you don’t believe I can be) the overall process of finishing tracks is probably the most important thing you can EVER do to excel. It doesn’t matter whether it sounds like the next club banger or it sounds like a squealing cat shitting last nights king prawn shells. The power lies within the learning process of completion. Then you rinse and REPEAT over and over till you get to the top of your musical mountain.
Great production skills are made in this game by finishing tracks it’s really that simple. Having the instructions and techniques to finish without thinking is a true blessing.
Eeach time you finish a track you’ll be another step closer towards your goal, the goal of finishing tracks from scratch all by yourself, BUT, you will only be able to do this by having TOOLS and TECHNIQUES in your music making arsenal. My aim is to completely take out all the technical stuff I think you don’t require in the early stages of music production, and get you ACTUALLY CREATIVELY PRODUCING asap!

Great tracks come from great ideas not a great mixdown and master! This stuff is important but the creative emotional impact of the track is 99.9% more important. Trust me on this. You’ve heard the saying, ‘You can’t polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter’……well guess what….it’s still a turd! A shit idea can’t be turned into a great track with a pro mix and master, but a great idea with a mediocre mix can, facts! Technical stuff can be overwhelming and it prevented me from moving forward for many years. I will explain everything I’ve did but with emphasis on the creative side more than the technical side. Because the technical side comes with EXPERIENCE! And you can only get that by finishing tracks. You don’t get it from sat on your derriere watching tutorials for days on compressor circutry characteristics or some other BS that you wouldn’t be able to APPLY straight away. There’s a time and a place in your music production journey for that and it’s when you are finishing tracks as regurlaly as your finishing your daily dumps. Well…not necessarrily daily, like a track a week regularly is a good goal to aim for. And if you’re only having a dump once a week, I suggest you go see a doctor 🙂

These courses are designed for creativity and finishing in a fun and efficient manor. I’m making these for the younger me (and you) who now knows what would of exponentially ramped up his music production progress in a fraction of the time, and also what would of also saved him from a lot of heartache and a few quid on drowning my sorrows with beers and pizza, whilst crying in the depths of despair. YES! it’s that dramatic lol.

Love, blessings and best wishes my music making brothers and sisters, we are in this shit together and I got your back 😉

Peace x